Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spread out your income resources

Squidoo is a great resource to earn a little money. But lets face it, not too many lensmasters are making a full time income just yet. You have to think outside the box! Plus you have to work outside of Squidoo! I use different sites for writing content and publishing articles.
One site I ventured into late last year is Bukisa. It is a article writing site that lets you publish articles and you earn a little income from ads, just about like Squidoo. But there isn't a ton of modules there, you just write an article! They do allow backlinking to your squidoo lenses as well! What I like to do is write up an article on the same topic as some of my lenses and link to them!
So far I have only written 3 articles there. The first one I wrote back in November and forgot all about it! Went back and checked on it the other day and it had earned 1.05
I know, that isn't a lot at all, but imagine if you had 20-30 articles earning even one dollar a month! You could be getting another 20-30 bucks a month! Hey that is enough to cover a water bill or maybe even a phone bill!
Check out my articles...
Arkansas Hillbilly What is a Hillbilly?
Bruce Lee wins a Purple Star!
Tips on making great homemade biscuits

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cash Cow and Cash Flow!

My newest client is promoting a system that allows you to develop a Cash Flow System.Plug into the system and reap the benefits! Join a team of marketing professionals who will help you make some serious money thru their Turn Key opportunity! Want to make a 6 figure income? Check out these lenses and plug into their Cash Cow System! While you are checking out Mike's brand spanking new lenses, leave him a message and say hello!