Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why do I need a Squidoo lens?

I know you have either heard of Squidoo, visited a squidoo lens, or something! You wouldn't be reading my blog if you hadnt right! You are probably asking yourself, Do I need a Squidoo lens? The answer to that question is YES! If you have any type of product to sell, or if you run a website, or you just want to make some money to help pay the bills.
A Squidoo lens is a useful way to get direct links right back to your products, but not just a link, with Squidoo, you can have images of your products, plus add tons of useful modules to bring in extra content from around the internet related to your topic!
One recent client knows very well the power of Squidoo and having his products cataloged on Squidoo! has nearly his entire product catalog on Squidoo now! He has purchased several lenses for each of his categories in his store! Each of his lenses are narrowed down to a specific category like Movie T-shirts, St. Patricks Day T-shirts, and even Chuck Norris T-shirts!
So if you are asking yourself, do I need a Squidoo lens, think about! He has his whole inventory on Squidoo and getting some pretty darn good traffic and sales from it!
Come on by and check out my packages! The basic price starts at only 25.00 and you can easily earn your 25.00 dollars back from Squidoo lensrank! So what do you have to lose? You know your webstore or your wallet could use the extra sales!

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