Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do You Zazzle?

Do you ever think of using Zazzle.com when you are adding products to your lenses? You don't have to have products yourself. You can find Zazzle products from any gallery that fits the theme of your lens.
Zazzle.com is free to sign up. They pay up to 15% royalty on referral links. Squidoo has a Zazzle module, but it sometimes can give mixed results. Plus the module shows 3, 6 or 9 products, and I like to be specific with just one product that I really like and think fits the theme of the lens.


  1. I've just got into Zazzle and use a few select modules on relevant lenses. It fun and easy to do. I would recommend Squidoo newbies Sallemange 'What Is Zazzle' lens as a great inrtoduction.

  2. Thanks! This article was full of information...off to dig into it a little deeper.
    Squidoo Lens Creation
    Hubpages Hub Creation
    Web 2.0 Submissions

  3. Great tool since the Zazzle module retired: http://www.squidoo.com/feed-the-squid
